• ENG
Eulji University Cancer Center The Eulji University Hospital Cancer Center was built in 2004 as a 7-story building in Daejeon Eulji University Hospital. It was completed in October 2016 and is being used as a female cancer center and a health promotion center. It was designed to provide 'Right Design' not only to the architects but also to the guests and the nearby citizens with the design considering the symbolism which is conspicuous.
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Space Information

  • 21,099Square meters
    floor areas
  • +7 / -3Seven stories and
    three basement levels
  • 2016Project

The Cancer Center of Eulji University Hospital is an extension and extension building of the hospital opened in 2004. SAMOO was also planning this project, and it was planned to expand the site at the time. About ten years later, the design of the enlargement began, and the architect expects the design of the cancer center to be focused on the project site.
The design of the Cancer Center is a result of carefully reflecting the surrounding context on the assumption of the wish of the client. On the eastern side of the downtown area, which is relatively densely populated, it has been designed to provide a complete frame-like design to make a calm and strong impression on the citizens passing by. In order to provide a scenery that harmonizes with our home, Terracotta panel of light ocher color considering exterior color and hospital symbol color was selected as main exterior material.


Eulji University Cancer Center

  • Location Daejeon, South Korea
  • Program Healthcare
  • Area 2,109,910m²
  • Floors 29 Stories and 3 Basements
  • Year 2016

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