• ENG
Hana Financial Group Data Center Hana Financial Group Data Center is the first step in building the Hana Financial Group Dream Town which encompasses not only the Hana Financial Group but also the integrated Korea Exchange Bank. As the first building to be built in the Yeonlijee Dream Town, it symbolizes synergy beyond mere physical bonding and will become a symbolic building of the Cheongla area.
Two curved masses are connected by a low-level podium in an open armed form, which encompasses Hana Financial Group’s motto of “Growing Together, Sharing Happiness”.
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Space Information

  • 65,757Square meters
    Floor areas
  • +16 / -1Sixteen stories
    and one basement level
  • 2017Project

Although security is a top priority for a data center, the building was designed with a public walkway crossing the middle of the premises. This walkway will allow easier access for railway users and as all users must pass through the welcome center for access into the facility, the security problem was solved.
We sought to satisfy the creativity and comfort of a high-tech IT firm by installing the Haha-lounge for employees, the welcome center expressing digital images, and the lobby space.
The curtain wall tower which is a development center, was opened to the south, allowing a commanding view of the golf course stretching to the south. An image integrating the Hana Financial Group and the Korea Exchange Bank was embodied in the form of arrangement.


Hana Financial Group Data Center

  • Location Incheon, South Korea
  • Program Data Center
  • Area 65,757m²
  • Floors 16 stories and 1 basement level
  • Year 2017

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