• ENG
HANKOOK TECHNODOME The Hankook Tire central research institute was established in 2012. An architectural design approach was implemented in the new research space that would lead to behavioral changes of researchers. Changes in life style in the new space where each individual space was actively linked to each other and to the external environment (light, view), will lead to maximized efficiency and ultimately to higher corporate value which in turn will lead to higher satisfaction of customers. Furthermore, the new research facility is meaningful in that it is the first building to be built in Korea through cooperation with ‘Foster + Partners’ of the UK.
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Space Information

  • 96,347Square meters
    Floor areas
  • +4 / -2Four stories and
    Two basement levels
  • 2016Project

The Hankook Tire central research institute started from the approach of high-tech implementation of the brand’s characteristics, namely the circular form of a tire, the company colors, and pursuit of technology and a future oriented mind set.
All designs were based and controlled on a 9X9 grid module in order to create spaces such as an efficient and smart space called Efficiency, a welfare space called Welfare & Loyalty, and a space for interaction and cooperation called New Corporate Culture. In order to pursue efficiency, these spaces were placed on either side of the building in the form of 8 boxes. For connections and service with the external environment, slots were placed in each box. The large water space at the front and the symmetrical shape as a whole, make for an eco-friendly design that ensures facility efficiency. In addition, by designing an asymmetrical public space that looks as if it’s floating in the water space, a new sense of balance can be felt throughout the building.
Through a length of 180m, which varies in width from 9m to 27m, the four story high atrium combines each function through its empty space. It is a space which provides interaction amongst its users. The design was completed by the bundling of all the elements into one large roof, which also represents the corporate value of One Company.
The dormitory consisting of 7 floors and 80 meters in height is located on the same axis as the atrium and was designed in a circular form. The out circle unit and the inner circle unit provide 500 units in total. The horizontal louvers of the exterior confer design commonality with the research institute while vertical louvers in the interior confer a sense of privacy for each unit. The huge courtyard, 50m in diameter, was designed as a space for various events.



  • Location Daejeon, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 96,346m²
  • Floors 4 stories and 2 basement levels
  • Year 2016
  • Collaboration Foster + Partners (Design Architect)

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