• ENG
Seoul Nat'l Univ. SAMSUNG R&D Center Samsun Electronics has signed a MOU with Seoul National University in 2010 to build a Samsung Electronics research center within the campus in order to attract high quality personnel. The site is at a location with a view of the surrounding Gwanak Mountain. The goal was to design a research center that is open to the environment by utilizing the site’s best qualities.
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Space Information

  • 42,623Square meters
    Floor area
  • +10 / -2Ten stories and
    two basement levels
  • 2017Project

The site is located at the junction of the research park and the residential complex of Seoul National University. The task was to architecturally solve the problem of various needs of residents and to set a direction in accommodating a living environment which faced confrontation between living and educational, as well as research facilities. Furthermore, the key was to reflect the site’s greatest qualities into the architectural design, which is its great view of Gwanak Mountain.
We first planned for two independent towers on top of a 2 story tall piloti at the entrance. Each building is to be used as a research center and educational facility, while a rooftop garden was created between the two buildings so as not to obstruct the scenery of Gwanak Mountain. Meanwhile, in order to protect the privacy of the nearby residential complex, the placement of a parking lot was planned for the side facing the residential complex to minimize visual interference.
Although the research and educational facilities were separated, communication and understanding between the two parts was facilitated by the sharing of subsidiary welfare facilities within the rooftop garden podium, such as resting facilities.
As the first building of Samsung Electronics to be built in Seoul National University, it was not designed to overwhelm other surrounding facilities, but rather to exist in harmony with the campus and to embrace its surroundings.


Seoul Nat'l Univ. SAMSUNG R&D Center

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 42,623m²
  • Floors 10 stories and 2 basement levels
  • Year 2017

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