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Doonchon Jugong Apartment Reconstruction This initiative is the largest redevelopment project in South Korea, encompassing approximately 12,000 residential units.
The site has been designed with a public pedestrian pathway cutting through two complexes, ensuring harmony with surrounding infrastructure and natural environments such as Gangdong-daero, Yangjae-daero, nearby transit hubs, the green belt
(ecological wetland), and Olympic Park. Considering a population of around 30,000 residents, the plan incorporates differentiated living spaces tailored to various family structures and adaptable layouts that support remodeling, providing a sustainable residential environment aligned with contemporary needs.
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Space Information

  • 2,163,863.18Square meters
    floor areas
  • +35 / -335 Stories
    3 Basement Levels
  • 2024Project

The concept for Doonchon Jugong Apartment is centered around 'Avenue Foret.'
First(Togetherness), as the largest residential complex in Korea, it deviates from the typical approach of placing a large central plaza. Instead, it introduces two public pedestrian pathways, forming an open forest corridor that connects the ecological wetlands of Iljasan in the east with the historic old town in the west.
This design ensures that the space is welcoming not only to the residents of the complex but also to the surrounding community.
Second(Openess), the project incorporates a variety of residential types suited for large-scale complexes, with structures adaptable for future renovations.
The mixed arrangement of tower and slab-style buildings minimizes facade irregularities while considering a skyline of internal high and external low structures.
This creates an open and comfortable urban residential environment that offers unobstructed views from both within and outside the complex.
Third(Sharing), to promote interaction and community engagement with neighboring residents, the community facilities are concentrated along the street.
Public facilities―including daycare centers, small libraries, and senior centers―are designed to encourage regional community engagement and social integration.


Doonchon Jugong Apartment Reconstruction

  • Location Gangdong-gu, Seoul
  • Program Residential
  • Area 2,163,863m²
  • Floors 35 Stories and 3 Basement Levels
  • Year 2024
  • Awards K-DESIGN AWARD 2024

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  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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