• ENG
YEOSU BUSINESS HOTEL PROJECT (SHILLA STAY) What kind of building should the SHILLA STAY be in order to continue the beautiful seascape of Yeosu without spoiling it? Although the site is located where it can overlook the sea of Yeosu, there is an overpass that blocks the ocean view. Therefore, overcoming this with the means of architecture was a significant issue in this planning. A parking lot was planned on a podium level, and a lobby as well as subsidiary facilities were planned on the superstructure of the overpass to provide an open view of the sea. The massing on the guest room maximizes the range of the ocean view. A signature restaurant, lobby and subsidiary facilities were planned on the fifth and sixth floors where the sea of Yeosu can be seen at once, guest rooms are zoned from the seventh to the twentieth floors, and the overall image of the building was designed to harmonize with the sea of Yeosu by using soft and gentle lighting.
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Space Information

  • 25,741.18Square meters
    floor areas
  • +20 / -120 Stories
    and 1 Basement Level
  • 2023Project

“Part of the landscape” is the keyword we pursued when we started the design. We wanted this new building to be part of the cityscape, rather than a unique and distinctive architecture, for vehicles passing by the overpass, people strolling near the sea, and pedestrians walking near the building. The elevations and massing respect the condition of the site, but show an aspect of incorporating the subdued landscape as part of the ocean view. The side elevations of the tower part, which take into account the characteristic of the building, have zigzag point elevations, and the lower part took into account the sights of pedestrians with the spick-and-span color combination and the never boring form. Such an attempt to create an architecture that is aware of the sights of the third person was the beginning of being the “part of the scenery” that is beautiful in Yeosu.



  • Location Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do
  • Program Healthcare
  • Area 25,741m²
  • Floors 20 Stories and 1 Basement Level
  • Year 2023

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  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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