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National Museum of World Writing Systems The National Museum of World Writing Systems is dedicated to the history and contents of the world writing system civilization,
a treasure and finest invention of mankind. The museum is designed based on the concept of ‘PAGES’, where people’s ordinary lives and scenery at the park will be constantly documented. 'PAGES' is an all-encompassing foundation, space, and architectural device for documenting the stories of the writing system. Closely resembling the characteristics of a ‘recorded writing system’ that connects the past, present, and future, ‘PAGES’ will be the medium to connect person to person, people to museum, and museum to park.

The National Museum of World Writing Systems is located at Songdo Central Park. In keeping with the park's intention to give a relaxing tone to the city, the museum is built of natural, curved spaces rather than inflexible and coercive linear forms, and it is designed to have a horizontal, supple, and open-to-public appearance. The National Museum of World Writing Systems is both a museum that understands and respects the origins and potential of the human writing system’s culture as well as a single sculpture and a foundation (space) that documents different scenes from ordinary lives and the stories behind them.
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Space Information

  • 15,650Square meters
    floor areas
  • +2 / -12 Stories and
    1 Basement Levels
  • 2023Project

Rather than pursuing an independent pattern, the design begins by embracing the existing park’s natural curved lines. It is laid out like a child’s scribbling as well as an abstract figure before the writing system had been perfected. The promenade that begins at the boundary between the existing park and museum site is made up of supple spaces that make the boundary between the park and museum unrecognizable, hence it provides a sequence where the internal and external relationships intersect, overlap, and reverse. It also draws people into the museum, linking them to the exhibition spaces. At the permanent exhibition spaces, ‘PAGES’ is transformed into various forms of exhibition made of distinct scenarios, letting the audience who are walking along the walls communicate with diverse writing systems. From the daily park to the exhibition space, an itinerary that goes into locating the root of the writing system was intended to be experienced by the visitors, and the experience of the visitors will be left as a daily record in ‘PAGES’, connecting to a new experience.


National Museum of World Writing Systems

  • Location Incheon Metropolitan City
  • Program Cultural
  • Area 15,650m²
  • Floors 2 Stories and 1 Basement Level
  • Year 2023

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  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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