• ENG
Naver 1784 1784 is a spatial platform that brings the future into a reality through various technological fusions. It is a spatial framework to house anything, a place where all previous technologies of NAVER continue to fuse, a place for supporting executives’ works, and a testbed evolving into a new innovative service.
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Space Information

  • 168,156Square meters
    floor areas
  • +29 / -9Twenty-nine stories and
    Nine basement levels
  • 2022Project

1784 provides a uniform environment without clearly defined programs, allowing a continuous change in the space’s usage. To embrace the future’s infinite potential, 1784 was designed to be purely empty to house anything.
Three cuboid masses are harmoniously placed next to the Green Factory. The space between the three masses is connected with two naturally-lit atriums, where people can share their work and explore new fusion technologies.
A high-tech system applied to the elevation reduces the use of artificial energy through various control methods while enabling visual communication. The tower has an improved Triple Skin Facade system that effectively controls the external light and temperature with less energy. While the Green Factory consists of insulated glasses and motorized vertical louvers, 1784 consists of insulated glass, semi-motorized vertical louvers, and low-reflective safety glass. The lower part where the Kinetic Facade system is applied has a visually moving elevation with a Double-Skin consisting of insulated glass and metal louvers, thereby capable of being transformed from a minimal cuboid to a colorful shape through a shape control program.


Naver 1784

  • Location Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Program Office
  • Area 168,156m²
  • Floors 29 Stories and 9 Basement Levels
  • Year 2022
  • Awards iF Design Award, 2023
  • the Grand Prize 2022 Korea Architecture Awards

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