• ENG
GenN Core Center Phase 1 “Presenting the future of xeno-transplantation in Korea.”

GenNBio Inc. developed the masterplan for the ‘GenN Core Center,’ the first domestic one-stop platform for xeno-transplantation, with the purpose of contributing to the promotion of human welfare through the commercialization of heterogeneous organs. This encompasses initiatives ranging from the development of heterogeneous organs as well as the development of new drugs and technologies for transplantation to, ultimately, the establishment of a clinic that specializes in transplantation. The phase 1 plan calls for the construction of a primate experiment building, which will study heterogeneous organs and technologies for new drugs, as well as a GMP facility and research facilities, which will produce medical supplies made from heterogeneous organs.
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Space Information

  • 21,060.56Square meters
    floor areas
  • +3 / -1Three stories and
    One basement levels
  • 2022Project

The mission of GenNBio is to “promote human welfare through the clinical adaptation of heterogeneous organs.” In Korea, 5.2 individuals pass away per day while awaiting a transplant, and the organ’s supply-to-demand ratio is 11.8%. The alternative to this shortage of transplantable organs is the development of heterogeneous organs, and GenNBio is taking the lead in helping people awaiting transplants by producing heterogeneous organs and related new drugs, as well as establishing a clinic that specializes in transplantation.
Located in Pyeongtaek, the GenN Core Center was designed to feature not just offices and laboratories but also a facility for breeding gnotobiotic pigs, a testing building where primates are used to assess the long-term safety of the organs, and a GMP building for making medicines. Furthermore, because there are not many foreign cases of a DPF facility for gnotobiotic pigs, and because it requires GLP and GMP clearances, GenNBio collaborated with designers and a wide range of consultants to develop a detailed and integrated masterplan.
The design of the plan took into account the interior and exterior circulation paths of the negative or positive pressure clean zone, the size of the cage that complies with the AAALAC-designated breed space scale, and the development of the SOP for GLP/GMP clearances. The CI of GenNBio that ‘symbolizes a life in which two different entities, namely a gene of an animal organ and a gene of a human being, are combined’ served as a motive, thereby the plan was materialized into an intersecting mass. To emphasize the symbolism, color points were added to the elevation pattern.
Thus, given the lack of similar facilities, research into heterogeneous organ technology is a challenging field with much more work to be done. We hope that with broad social acceptance and support, xeno-transplantation technology may be developed and applied more swiftly, opening up greater opportunities for mankind.


GenN Core Center Phase 1

  • Location Yulbuk-li, Cheongbuk-myeon, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 21,061m²
  • Floors P-building(2 Stories, 1 Basement Level) / G-building(PIT Level, 3 Stories)
  • Year 2022

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