• ENG
Parc.1 Yeouido, where Parc.1 is located, is directly connected to major districts of Seoul and surrounded by beautiful green spaces such as Yeouido Park and Han River Park. The Parc.1 Project, Seoul’s signature mixed-use development project consisting of two skyscraper office towers, a retail, which will be the largest department store in Seoul, and a luxury hotel, is the fruit of many thoughts about how to make the best of these environmental factors and link them with the City. First, landscape area is maximized and open public spaces are provided with carefully designed plazas in front of main and sub entrances. These open spaces become the urban community spaces where people can experience the urban culture and promote the site’s interaction with the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, the user convenience is achieved by connecting the Project directly with Yeouido Station of Lines 5 and 9 through the underground pedestrian pathway with moving walks.
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Space Information

  • 629,047Square meters
    floor areas
  • +72 / -7Seventy-two stories and
    Seven basement levels
  • 2020Project

Furthermore, Parc.1 embraces the concept of multi-platform wishing to integrate the building structure as part of the surrounding environment by attenuating the monotonous cityscape through the red steel truss exterior inspired by pillars of traditional Korean palaces, and the Retail roof design derived from the shield-shaped kites. The ensemble of the future-oriented design and Korean traditional elegance creates a culture complex attracting multiple urban experiences of working, shopping, dining, and staying in one place. Parc.1, with its presence as the iconic landmark of YBD, brings vitality to the heart of Seoul opening a new horizon of business, culture and lifestyle.



  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Mixed-Use
  • Area 629,047m²
  • Floors 72 Stories and 7 Basements
  • Year 2020
  • Collaboration Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, RTKL-UK Ltd, ARUP

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