• ENG
Goesan National Cemetery In response to the increasing demand for burial, the national Goesan National Cemetery was created to provide a worship space where both remembrance and relaxation/leisure can be carried out by creating a nature-friendly graveyard. Through the analysis of the slope and elevation of the site, cutting earth can be minimized and the natural beauty of Mt. Goesan can be preserved. Applying the history and sentiment of Goesan to the building and the graveyard, the design was made to be harmonious with the flow of the landscape inspired by “Gok,” a tra- ditional funeral song in Korea.
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Space Information

  • 9,298Square meters
    floor areas
  • +2 / -1Two stories and
    one basement level
  • 2015Project

The detailed design of the building tried to express tradition and symbolism in a modern appearance by refraining from utilizing the conventional concrete Hanok form in the existing national cemetery. Solemnity was expressed by embodying tradition with application of traditional architectur- al element such as open window, lattice, and curve of eaves to the detail. Being evaluated as the best facility for the burial service and Worship of the Martyrs, hopefully Goesan National Cemetery be the best reference as a worship space not only to the public but also to the private sector by playing role as a representative cemetery in the region.


Goesan National Cemetery

  • Location Geosan, South Korea
  • Program Cultural
  • Area 9,298m²
  • Floors 2 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2015
  • Collaboration SD partners, Design L

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