• ENG
THE SHILLA Duty Free, Jeju The Shilla Duty Free Jeju is located at Yeondong commercial district, which is 2km away from Jeju International Airport and only 700m away from Nohyeong Ogeori, downtown Jeju. This project first began by extending the existing build-ing in 2012, followed by exterior upgrade in 2016, and another extension and total renovation in 2018, all of which were led and performed by Samoo.
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Space Information

  • 12,457Square meters
    floor areas
  • +6 Six stories
  • 2019Project

The Shilla Duty Free Jeju is located at Yeondong commercial district, which is 2km away from Jeju International Airport and only 700m away from Nohyeong Ogeori, downtown Jeju. This project first began by extending the existing build-ing in 2012, followed by exterior upgrade in 2016, and another extension and total renovation in 2018, all of which were led and performed by Samoo. The main purpose of this project was to capture the growing demands of Jeju visitors, while improving customer convenience by extending the structure both vertically and horizontally. Following the main design concept of “Elegance”, the simple exterior makes the building easily noticeable.
The 4:1 horizontal division of the building front was applied to follow the Shilla Duty Free’s facade identity. The use of ma-terials with similar look and feel across the building exterior creates classy and refined image. The neutral colors of the building’s lower half create calm ambience, while brighter stones applied on the upper half express more vibrant image, making the building a landmark of the city. The project suc-cessfully provided a new streetscape in downtown Jeju, while promoting a classy image of Jeju city by clearly expressing the brand identity of Shilla Duty Free.


THE SHILLA Duty Free, Jeju

  • Location Jeju, South Korea
  • Program Mixed-Use
  • Area 12,457m²
  • Floors 6 Stories
  • Year 2019

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  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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