• ENG
Daegu Bank DGB Innovation Center DGB Innovation Center, an IT center of DBG Daegu Bank, standing at the Esiapolis complex of Daegu City, is an envi-ronment-friendly urban IT center, constructed under the 6 key ideas of stability, security, scalability, efficiency, harmony with the community, and green IT center. The IT computing tower is located at the very center of the site to ensure the maximum security, while the R&D tower is at the front of a main road to allow convenient user access, frontality of the building as well as a connection with the public. The unique and symbolic mass plan of the tower building embodies the best pride of the community.
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Space Information

  • 23,238Square meters
    floor areas
  • +9 / -5Nine stories and
    five basement levels
  • 2018Project

DGB Innovation Center, an IT center of DBG Daegu Bank, standing at the Esiapolis complex of Daegu City, is an envi-ronment-friendly urban IT center, constructed under the 6 key ideas of stability, security, scalability, efficiency, harmony with the community, and green IT center. The IT computing tower is located at the very center of the site to ensure the maximum security, while the R&D tower is at the front of a main road to allow convenient user access, frontality of the building as well as a connection with the public. The unique and symbolic mass plan of the tower building embodies the best pride of the community.
“Gwei” is an old Korean word meaning a square wooden chest or a coffer that is used to store something precious. This word originated from “Uigwe”, which is the royal proto-col of the Joseon Dynasty, recording the details of royal ritu-als and ceremonies of Joseon Dynasty. The IT Center’s mass plan was inspired by this wooden coffer “Gwei”, to metaphor the IT center’s original function of storing data and to sym-bolize the bank’s message that it will keep customers’ pre-cious assets in a safe manner. While the R&D Tower (office building) has a transparent and simple mass with the vertical louver, solid triangle panels were used for the mass design of the IT Computing Tower, where windows are not necessary, in order to express the image of dandelion seeds blown away, symbolizing the development and innovation of Daegu Bank.


Daegu Bank DGB Innovation Center

  • Location Daegu, South Korea
  • Program Data Center
  • Area 23,238m²
  • Floors 9 Stories and 5 Basements
  • Year 2018
  • Awards 29th Daegu Architecture Awards, Excellence Prize
    1st DGFEZ Architectural Design Awards, Grand Prize

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