• ENG
Korea Institute of Energy Research Center The Advanced ECO Energy Research Center is designed to provide a productive research environment for the Korea Institute of Energy Research. The project focuses on bringing in the natural surroundings and minimize the energy use while providing high quality work environment. To emphasize this idea, the concept of ‘zero-energy and zero-carbon use’ is implemented in the design. The research center embraces a progressive approach to sustainable design with the Integrated Design Process.
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Space Information

  • 10,400Square meters
    floor areas
  • +7 / -1Seven stories and
    one basement level
  • 2013Square meters
    floor areas

Through the IDP process, we established a combination of various sustainable strategies including passive design, active system and renewable energy system. The end result with 28.6% less energy use than the project’s performance target, which is the 1st class in Korea’s Building Energy Efficiency rating certification, is achieved. Passive design elements, including high performance insulation, window/wall ratio, exterior louver and atrium, are designed to create comfortable indoor environment while minimize the use of energy. Active system of ceiling/floor radiant panel system, heat exchanger and 100% LED lighting are applied. Various sustainable technologies including geo-thermal heating and cooling, PV, BIPV and solar heating system are also used to maximize the sustainable result. The annual energy use of the research area was estimated 162.1MWh. The goal of zero-energy use has been fulfilled by the total energy gain of 174.4MWh from the PV and BIPV system.


Korea Institute of Energy Research Center

  • Location Daejeon, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 10,400m²
  • Floors 7 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2013
  • Awards Korea Green Building Award, 2015
    Grand Award, Korea Ecological Architecture and Environment Awards, 2014

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