• ENG
Korea Gas Corporation HQ ‘Better Energy, Better World’ is the timely philosophy of Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS). Ultimately, the goal of this project was to reinforce the image of KOGAS as an eco-friendly corporation living with nature. The name of this project, Eco Vessel, signifies a corporation that delivers the clean natural energy.
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Space Information

  • 62,153Square meters
    floor areas
  • +11 / -2Eleven stories and
    two basement levels
  • 2014Project

Enclosed on three sides by mountains, the design responds with a set of mind. Low-rise buildings correspond with the low-rise surroundings. Since the site is situated in a hilly area, upper floors are open to capitalize on remarkable views, while the lower floor podium harmonizes with the surrounding topography. In keeping with the overarching theme, Eco Vessel has two major gathering spaces where the two massing meet-Ecorium and Energy-rium. These serve as the center of communication which will be shared by employees and local residents.


Korea Gas Corporation HQ

  • Location Daegu, South Korea
  • Program Office
  • Area 62,153m²
  • Floors 11 Stories and 2 Basements
  • Year 2014
  • Collaboration Heerim Architects & Planners, DAUL Urban Architects, HHM Architects & Engineers
  • Awards Winner, Design Competition, 2010

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