• ENG
2012 Yeosu Expo Samsung Pavilion With the theme “The Living Ocean and Coast”, the Samsung Pavilion for the Yeosu EXPO is designed to convey the company’s contribution to mankind and to the future of ocean exploration. Using metaphors for the ocean including “mother”, “flux”, “circulation”, and “connected islands”- the Samsung Pavilion conveys the concept that “The ocean is the ‘mother’, the beginning and the end of life and energy”.
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Space Information

  • 2,659Square meters
    floor areas
  • +3Three stories
  • 2012Project

The pavilion conveys the idea of “Samsung as a reciprocal medium” which is a direction the company must take in an age of ocean exploration. In addition it illustrates Samsung’s expertise in creative problem solving and a goal of preservation instead of destruction. The pavilion resembles an ark that landed on top of columns. The columns are clad in LED lighting systems which are programmed to resemble waves. This image conveys a connotation of a leader providing protection from natural disaster and guiding us to a new future. The innovative sculptural massing creates a strong, memorable image in the visitors mind.


2012 Yeosu Expo Samsung Pavilion

  • Location Yeosu, South Korea
  • Program Cultural
  • Area 2,659m²
  • Floors 3 Stories
  • Year 2012
  • Collaboration CHEIL (Munich Design Lab)

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