• ENG
Munsan Happiness Center As pedestrians and vehicles access through the Tongil-ro roadside, various outside spaces have been designed in accordance with users’ access to the facility and the utilization level of the land has been increased through multilayered land level plans. Considering various characteristics of users including the elderly, the disabled, children, adolescents, ladies and other common people, the linkage and functional features between programs at the respective facilities have been reflected as the first priority.
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Space Information

  • 16,497Square meters
    floor areas
  • +6 / -1Six stories and
    one basement level
  • 2011Project

The auditorium has been divided from the welfare building while the independently standing government office building has been installed in the right in front to emphasize the awareness. The horizontal mass that extends topographical flows has been lifted from the ground to secure the awareness from Tongil-ro. The segmented mass of the auditorium and the welfare building meet again in the upper part to make the visible communications.


Munsan Happiness Center

  • Location Paju, South Korea
  • Program Office
  • Area 16,497m²
  • Floors 6 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2011
  • Collaboration DA Group
  • Awards Winner, Design Competition(Turn-Key), 2009

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