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Joong Dong Middle & High School Centennial Memorial Hall As one of the most famous private schools in Korea, Joongdong high school is known for its sports teams that inspired many generations of Korean athletes. To commemorate its centennial, the school’s foundation started ambitious programs to revitalize its campus.
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Space Information

  • 17,220Square meters
    floor areas
  • +5 / -1Five stories and
    one basement level
  • 2008Project

The jewel of the plan was a centennial memorial hall complex that includes an auditorium, a gymnasium and a dormitory for soccer players to celebrate its 100 year-anniversary of the school in 2006. After studying many possible options, design team proposed to demolish existing gymnasium and locate new gym and auditorium in L shape arrangement. Between two programs, pilotis will offer circulation, proper view and ventilation. Ample natural light can be provided by glass curtainwall on one side of the gymnasium. This also offers direct connection to the plaza.


Joong Dong Middle & High School Centennial Memorial Hall

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 17,220m²
  • Floors 5 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2008
  • Awards Special Prize, Seoul Architecture Work Award, 2008

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