• ENG
Rodin Gallery The Rodin Gallery began when Samsung wanted to renovate a group of buildings housing their head office and affiliated offices. The Rodin Gallery consists of a permanent exhibition hall, two halls for temporary exhibitions, the Museum Shop, which is connected to the underground shopping mall, a Video Room and an office.
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Space Information

  • 1,576Square meters
    floor areas
  • +1 / -1One story and
    one basement level
  • 1997Project

The Glass Pavilion - the permanent exhibition hall - features The Gates of Hell and The Burghers of Calais, masterpieces created by the French sculptor Auguste Rodin. The motif of the Pavilion is inspired also by Rodin’s Cathedral sculptured in 1908, an architectural rendition of the two hands coming together in an act of prayer. In the Glass Pavilion, the combination of glass panels alternating between transparent and translucent forms the outer skin and the outer wall, invigorating the gallery space with dynamic energy while diffusing natural light throughout the exhibition space, creating a soft atmosphere for the artworks.


Rodin Gallery

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Cultural
  • Area 1,576m²
  • Floors 1 Story and 1 Basement
  • Year 1997
  • Collaboration KPF

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  • 수집 항목 : 이름, 연락처, 이메일
  • 수집·이용목적 : 본 제보의 사실 관계 확인 및 처리 내용 안내
  • 보유·이용 기간 : 목적달성시까지

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