• ENG
Yonsei Univ. School of Business Yonsei School of Business building was newly built on the site of Yongjaegwan Hall in Yonsei University Shinchon campus. In front of the new building, the tower of Yongjaegwan Hall was newly restored to commemorate the existing Hall. As an education and research facility shared by students, the faculty and the school staff, the new building is divided into three zones for research, administrative work and learning. All functions are designed to be separate from one another by vertical zoning but to connect through the central atrium, the students' study area which connects the inside and outside of the building and integrates the three zones.
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Space Information

  • 20,135Square meters
    floor areas
  • +6 / -3Six stories and
    three basement levels
  • 2015Project

Yonsei School of Business building was newly built at the site of Yongjaegwan Hall, located in the center of Yonsei University Shinchon campus. Built in the 1960s, Yongjaegwan Hall was a school building in Yonsei University with historical and architectural significance. The historical relics of the Yongjaegwan Hall were moved to the school museum before the demolition of the old building and some of the old records were later exhibited in the new building. Also, the tower of Yongjaegwan Hall was restored on the right side in front of the new building to commemorate the appearance of the old building. Since there were dark grey old stone buildings and white concrete buildings from the 70s and 80s standing around the site, dark brown volcanic rocks were used as the main material of the new building, adopting a color scheme that matches the surroundings. For the restored tower, light grey stones were used to represent the white concrete of the old Yongjaegwan Hall.
The overall appearance of the building can be divided into two parts: the upper solid part finished with stone and the lower void part finished with glass. The upper solid part, which is used for faculty offices, was designed to be individualized and private for the intensive and immersed work of faculty members. The lower space consisting of a library and lounge was designed to have brightness and transparency for the students’ free and creative learning.


Yonsei Univ. School of Business

  • Location Seoul, South Korea
  • Program Research & Science
  • Area 20,135m²
  • Floors 6 Stories and 3 Basements
  • Year 2015

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