• ENG
Gongju Medical Center The Gongju Medical Center is a relocation project involving the construction of a new hospital that could overcome the capacity issues at the previous location. The new center is designed to utilize hi-tech medical care and to form a new relationship with the local community through improved medical cares. The medical center’s location is approximately 4~8m lower than the neighboring road and various architectural means were utilized to overcome the obstacles. The center is oriented southward to improve its habitability, and the auditorium linked to the open space is placed in the frontal area for use by the public.
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Space Information

  • 31,538Square meters
    floor areas
  • +6 / -2Six stories and
    two basement levels
  • 2016Project

The function and circulation of the ground floor are arranged around the hospital street, and the outpatient department is brought up to the front to increase accessibility to patients. The operation room and main consulting room are positioned on the 2nd floor, and the offices and administrations are on the 3rd floor.
The patient’s rooms are placed on 4th~6th floors which provide better environment in terms of natural lighting and views whereas the funeral hall is prepared on the 2nd basement floor in order to minimize interference from other facilities. The podium is finished with stones and traditional patterns found in the royal tomb of king Myuryeong. The curtain wall in the upper portion displays various expressions through its irregular patterns of solid and void. On the ground floor, various facilities are arranged for efficiency and convenience while the outpatient facility is located in the front for easy accessibilities


Gongju Medical Center

  • Location Gongju, South Korea
  • Program Healthcare
  • Area 31,538m²
  • Floors 6 Stories and 2 Basements
  • Year 2016
  • Collaboration NOW Architects, SD Partners Architects & Engineers, Taera Space

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  • 우편/방문서울특별시 강동구 천호대로 1077 이스트센트럴타워 05340, 삼우종합건축사사무소 경영진단팀

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