• ENG
SAMSUNG Changwon Hospital Samsung Changwon Hospital has been the central medical facility in Masan and Changwon area for around 30 years. The long-term master plan includes renovating the old facility into a high-class general hospital. Taking into consideration the old town of Masan, the main building is replaced by a forest and a square for relaxation and communication, which will provide the access to the new hospital building.
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Space Information

  • 91,660Square meters
    floor areas
  • +9 / -6Nine stories and
    six basement levels
  • 2016Project

Samsung Changwon Hospital started in 1981 as Goryeo Hospital and has fulfilled its role as a central medical facility in Masan. However, the changes in medical industry over the past 35 years demanded new treatments that cannot be covered in the outdated facilities. The result has brought a long-term master plan that involves an upgrade to a high-class general hospital and new position as a Samsung Hospital Service branch. In order to elevate the medical quality rather than enlargement, the focus was placed on constructing a spacious and comfortable environment while maintaining the 744 beds. The floor area per bed was expanded from the previous 64.5㎡ to 122.3㎡. The centralized outpatient system increases the convenience of the patients. The surgical department has expanded more than three times, establishing the position of the central medical department as an up-to-date facility. The evidence-based interior design of the hospital reflects the study of "Reduced medical errors in the same direction" by unifying the treatment area with the operating room and applying the medical planning practical for the treatments.
After the demolition of the existing building, a park is designed to provide an environment-friendly area where patients can relax and communicate, while making a preparation for the expansion of medical facilities in the future. Samsung Changwon Hospital will play a pivotal role in Samsung Group's social contribution activities by serving as a leading hospital that provides the most up-to-date medical care in the southeastern region of South Korea.


SAMSUNG Changwon Hospital

  • Location Changwon, South Korea
  • Program Healthcare
  • Area 91,660m²
  • Floors 9 Stories and 6 Basements
  • Year 2016

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