• ENG
NAVER Green Factory Renewal The Green Factory Renewal project aims to upgrade the Green Factory to address the evolving internal and external corporate environments and the increased demand for workspace that has grown alongside NAVER’s development.
Additionally, the project seeks to strengthen connectivity with the new headquarters.
The NAVER Green Factory, completed in 2010, became a symbolic architectural landmark, introducing a new paradigm for office buildings in South Korea. It moved beyond the conventional office space concept, creating an open and flexible work environment that was highly regarded for enhancing both efficiency and creativity. Additionally, its incorporation of various eco-friendly design techniques set a benchmark for sustainable architecture, inspiring numerous companies at the time and establishing a new standard for office building design.
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Space Information

  • 101,875.98Square meters
    floor areas
  • + 28 / -728 Stories
    7 Basement Levels
  • 2024Project

Over the past decade, the Green Factory has faced the need for renovation due to the building's aging infrastructure and evolving environmental demands, particularly following the construction of NAVER 1784.
Changes in the climate and NAVER’s shifting work dynamics further accelerated the necessity for spatial transformation.
Completed in 2022, NAVER 1784 integrates the lessons learned from operating the Green Factory, incorporating advanced architectural strategies to adapt to the evolving environment.
It consolidates NAVER’s cutting-edge technologies, including autonomous robots and AI-driven smart office systems, to create a user-centric space.
The architectural innovations applied in NAVER 1784 have influenced the renewal of the Green Factory, enhancing the physical and functional connectivity between the two buildings―fostering an environment where employees can move freely and collaborate seamlessly.


NAVER Green Factory Renewal

  • Location Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Program Office
  • Area 101,875m²
  • Floors 28 Stories and 7 Basement Levels
  • Year 2024

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