• ENG
Extension and Environmental Improvement of Future Medical Center at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital Located in the center of downtown Seoul, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital is surrounded by cultural properties such as Gyeonggyojang on the site and Gyeonghuigung and Seoul History Museum near the site, displaying environmental elements that are culturally and geographically appealing in terms of the building location. However, at the same time, there is a limit to spatial expansion. It started as Goryeo Hospital in the 1960s and underwent additional extensions whenever it needed an expansion of medical facilities. Therefore, the project began by carefully thinking about how to combine, newly connect, and resolve the issues of dilapidated facilities, complicated circulation and insufficient healing environment for patients, and congested parking environment with the charming environmental elements that Kangbuk Samsung Hospital holds.
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Space Information

  • 74,710Square meters
    floor areas
  • +15 / -4Fifteen stories and
    Four basement levels
  • 2021Project

First, some of the dilapidated facilities were demolished to prepare the site of extension for the Future Medical Center. By classifying the Future Medical Center as the outpatient department and the Main Building as the place for hospitalization and the central medical treatment, a consistent principle for functional expansion was established. Also, by boldly proposing the demolition of the buildings that impede smooth traffic flow and the whole-undergroundization of the ground floor’s parking lot, the design proposal suggested a masterplan in which an open space in the city’s center is secured, while Gyeonggyojang and Kangbuk Samsung Hospital simultaneously surround it. The project consists of green space and outdoor fountains in the city’s center that connects the plaza space secured on the front side of the Gyeonggyojang with the Namsan and Inwangsan. By returning this space to the patients and neighboring residents, this project has planned an urban multi-purpose medical complex harmonizing with surrounding cultural properties and hospitals.


Extension and Environmental Improvement of Future Medical Center at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital

  • Location Jongno-gu, Seoul
  • Program Healthcare
  • Area 74,710m²
  • Floors 15 Stories, 4 Basement Levels
  • Year 2021

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