• ENG
Multi-purpose arena in Quang Ninh Province The stadium used the famous landmark of Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam, Ha Long Bay’s graceful curve as a design motif. The stadium reflected on the surrounding water space looks like a curious rock. In order to materialize large space of 3,305m2 into Muju space, large scale truss was an essential structural element and it became the frame of exterior materials from roof to walls.
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Space Information

  • 70,000Square meters
    floor areas
  • +6 / -1Six stories and
    one basement level
  • 2018Project

To realize atypical curved surface, the surface was cut into feasible triangular shape and size and system of which 4 panels constitute a unit module is composed. 1,952 3D coordinate points of module was rendered in drawing data for construction convenience and 3-dimentiaonal structure simulation using script modeling was implemented for perfect consistency of structural material and exterior surface. Skylight is installed for natural light as well. Satisfying two factors of air ventilation and minimization of air current for less disturbance for sports games was a challenging engineering task. We expect this stadium become another landmark of Ha Long Bay and northern Vietnam’s attraction.


Multi-purpose arena in Quang Ninh Province

  • Location Quang Ninh, Vietnam
  • Program Sports
  • Area 70,000m²
  • Floors 6 Stories and 1 Basement
  • Year 2018

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